Since 2004 RUBERG has evolved into a distinctive fine jewellery brand imbued with designer Kamilla Ruberg’s minimalist, avant-garde approach to modern luxury.
Experimenting with form, function and elements of discovery, Kamilla creates jewellery, which moves with the bearer and enchants the beholder. With a distinct Scandinavian aesthetic and enduring fascination for geometry, Kamilla draws inspiration from her creative home, architecture and sculpture. It is asymmetry however, which remains the signature trademark of RUBERG jewellery.
After graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2002, Danish born designer Kamilla Ruberg opened her first contemporary boutique space in London’s charming Islington in 2004. Since 2018 Kamilla has been taking private appointments in London and in 2020 she re-located her business to Denmark and opened her Copenhagen shop and studio.
Winning international accolades and loyal clientele; RUBERG jewellery is designed and handcrafted in-house. The collections can be viewed by appointment in London and is available from the Copenhagen shop as well as internationally through the online store.